A 14yr old boy with scoliosis treated successfully at MIOT
JANUARY 3, 2018
Mark was a normal playful child with uneventful childhood. However during schooling and summer camps, he was always shy to undress in front of others because of asymmetry of his back. His right half of the chest was protruding backwards like a hump and the front half was flat. Though his deformity was not so obvious under the loose cloths that he wore, it was getting worse as he grew. At the age of 12, while playing football, he started feeling breathless. His coach noticed the deformity and sent him for medicals.
He met an orthopedic surgeon in Nigeria and was diagnosed with Scoliosis. The doctor explained that scoliosis is lateral curvature of the spine and that my curve will gradually worsen as he grows. He also divulged that any curve measuring above 50 degrees would need surgical correction. Mark’s measured 72 degrees and was already fretting at the thought of surgery.
SCOLIOSIS is a medical condition in which a person’s spine has a sideways curve. The curve is usually “S”- or “C”-shaped. In some the degree of curve is stable, while in others it increases over time.
The Doctor shared that these surgeries required advanced equipment and instrumentations and that Mark shall have to travel to foreign country for Surgery. ‘Where shall we go? How will we afford?’ were the first thoughts that crossed his mother’s mind. The doctor suggested India for affordable treatment and assured that the skill of the surgeons is at par with the west.
Approach to MIOT:
His mother emailed the reports to a few hospitals in India. After a series of emails, they zeroed down on MIOT hospital in Chennai, since it was the most impressive and affordable. They also had heard a lot of positive reviews about MIOT Hospitals from a few Nigerian patients who had their treatment in Chennai. By the time they arranged the logistics and resources, Mark had turned 14 and his curve was beyond 90 degrees.
Once at MIOT, they were consulted by the Spine specialist. After a series of pre-op investigations, the doctor explained in detail about his deformity, corrective methods and the post-operative protocol and assured that the deformity can be corrected surgically in a safe manner. Mark was thrilled to know that he can walk next day after the surgery and that he need not remain bedridden for months as the doctors in Nigeria had contemplated.
He underwent surgery successfully. His post-operative period was uneventful. X-rays taken after the surgery confirmed that his defect was corrected. The next day he was assisted by the physiotherapist to walk a short distance. I felt straighter, taller and confident. With sheer determination to walk again with a staright back, he insisted on the physiotherapist to make him walk often. Within three days he was shifted to ward and by day 5 he was able to walk without anyone’s help. On the eleventh day his stitches were out and was back home by two weeks.
He had to take a break from school for about a month but his friends kept him busy at home. After 6 months he started playing football again. Today he is able to do everything that his fellow classmates do. And he don’t fell shy anymore to undress during summer camps.
He met an orthopedic surgeon in Nigeria and was diagnosed with Scoliosis. The doctor explained that scoliosis is lateral curvature of the spine and that my curve will gradually worsen as he grows. He also divulged that any curve measuring above 50 degrees would need surgical correction. Mark’s measured 72 degrees and was already fretting at the thought of surgery.
SCOLIOSIS is a medical condition in which a person’s spine has a sideways curve. The curve is usually “S”- or “C”-shaped. In some the degree of curve is stable, while in others it increases over time.
The Doctor shared that these surgeries required advanced equipment and instrumentations and that Mark shall have to travel to foreign country for Surgery. ‘Where shall we go? How will we afford?’ were the first thoughts that crossed his mother’s mind. The doctor suggested India for affordable treatment and assured that the skill of the surgeons is at par with the west.
Approach to MIOT:
His mother emailed the reports to a few hospitals in India. After a series of emails, they zeroed down on MIOT hospital in Chennai, since it was the most impressive and affordable. They also had heard a lot of positive reviews about MIOT Hospitals from a few Nigerian patients who had their treatment in Chennai. By the time they arranged the logistics and resources, Mark had turned 14 and his curve was beyond 90 degrees.
Once at MIOT, they were consulted by the Spine specialist. After a series of pre-op investigations, the doctor explained in detail about his deformity, corrective methods and the post-operative protocol and assured that the deformity can be corrected surgically in a safe manner. Mark was thrilled to know that he can walk next day after the surgery and that he need not remain bedridden for months as the doctors in Nigeria had contemplated.
He underwent surgery successfully. His post-operative period was uneventful. X-rays taken after the surgery confirmed that his defect was corrected. The next day he was assisted by the physiotherapist to walk a short distance. I felt straighter, taller and confident. With sheer determination to walk again with a staright back, he insisted on the physiotherapist to make him walk often. Within three days he was shifted to ward and by day 5 he was able to walk without anyone’s help. On the eleventh day his stitches were out and was back home by two weeks.
He had to take a break from school for about a month but his friends kept him busy at home. After 6 months he started playing football again. Today he is able to do everything that his fellow classmates do. And he don’t fell shy anymore to undress during summer camps.
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