• JULY 20, 2013
    Brain surgery through keyhole? Is it possible?

    Brain surgery through keyhole? Is it possible?

    Brain surgery through keyhole? Is it possible? Practically scarless? Almost painless? Discharge in a couple of days? “Possible!” says Dr. U.S. Srinivasan Brain Surgery? Doesn’t it involve a threat to life and limb? Not if the problem can be handled through…

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    • JULY 2, 2013
    Important Facts to Know About Diabetology

    Important Facts to Know About Diabetology

    Diabetes Mellitus has assumed pandemic proportions and is indeed the scourge of the modern era. At present there are 300 million diabetics worldwide and the number is expected to double over the next five years. India with its huge diabetic population holds the…

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    • JULY 1, 2013
    Cutting Edge Joint Replacement Techniques

    Cutting Edge Joint Replacement Techniques

    Risks associated with hip joint replacement surgery in the past related mainly to blood clots in legs, dislocation and infection after surgery. Early mobilization and blood thinning drugs have dramatically reduced blood clots. Dislocation has been diminished to…

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